Lesson: Invitations in English

During this lesson, you will learn how to:

#1Make Invitations in English
#2Accept Invitations in English
#3Reject Invitations in English

Schema Activation: Key Vocabulary


Become familiar with some key words that you might use today

Pre-Task #1: Making Questions


Become familiar with these expression to make invitations

To make invitations in English, you will use one of these four structures:

#1Do you want to play video games after work?
#2Would you like to play video games after work?
#3Let’s play video games after work
#4Why don’t we play video games after work?


Complete the expressions by dragging the words into the right spaces


Write five invitation using all the structures from above

  1. __________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________
  4. __________________________________________________
  5. __________________________________________________

Pre-Task #2: Accept or Reject Invitations


Become familiar with these expressions to accept and reject an invitations

There are several ways to accept and reject invitation, so please be authentic when you accept or reject these invitations

If you are invited to go for a bike ride, you should probably say “I am sorry but I don’t even have a bike”

If you have a bike and really want to join your friend for a bike ride, you should probably say “Sure, I would love to. Who else is coming?”

Now let check some additional ways to say “no” or “yes” to invitations.

Pre-Task #3: Make, Accept or Decline


Become familiar with these expressions to accept and reject an invitations

Manuel Campos, English Professor

José Manuel

I am José Manuel and I am an English Teacher in Costa Rica who loves English. I have been teaching English for more than 8 years and I like sharing what I know with others