Work-Related Problems for Energy Engineers

These are some examples of sentences about solar panel installations and maintenance using frequency adverbs or expressions of time.

  • We have to remove the dirt from solar panels every six months.
  • Sometimes We have to replace cracked solar panels.
  • We rarely have to replace solar inverters.
  • Sometimes we check for wiring and connection issues.
  • We rarely find bird nests under solar panels.
  • During the rainy season, lightning strikes damage solar panel systems.
  • We never have to replace mismatched components.

These are some examples of sentences about wind farms and maintenance using frequency adverbs or expressions of time.

  • We replace blades every three years.
  • Sometimes we replace malfunctioning anemometers.
  • We test the cooling system once a year.
  • Sometimes a bird strike might cause wind turbine failures.
  • These wind turbines rarely have electrical or mechanical failures.

Table of Contents


These are some examples of exchanges

AHi Bradley! What is the problem?
BHello María! The panel is broken. We need to replace it.
ADoes this happen often?
BThis normally happens during summer.
AI see, ok. Let’s fix it.
AHi Jesus! What seems to be the problem?
BWe have to replace the blade
AWhat happened?
BProbably a lightning strike hit it
AThat rarely happens
BI know
AHi Mariana, What are we doing today?
BWe are doing a solar panel maintenance
AHow often do we provide that service?
BEvery six to eight months
AOk, I am gonna load the tools and equipment
AHi Christian, What are we doing today?
BWe have to replace another panel
BA lightning strike damaged one last night
ADoes that happen often?
BUsually during the rainy season.
Manuel Campos, English Professor

José Manuel

I am José Manuel and I am an English Teacher in Costa Rica who loves English. I have been teaching English for more than 8 years and I like sharing what I know with others