Present Progressive Exercises for IT Professionals


Individually open the link and create questions with the present continuous in wordwall.


Make Pairs, then one of you asks what every member of the team is working on and one of you answers the question

Example of a question and an answer

A:Is Hanzell configuring the sitemaps?
B:No, he isn’t. He is customizing the dashboard

These are the tasks that every member of the team is working on

NamesActually Working on
ArianaCreate the primary menu
ArturoCreate the secondary menu
MadelineOptimize the database
HanzellCustomize the dashboard
AlejandraBuild a mega menu
PamelaCreate an interactive menu
WalterInline CSS
JairoStyle the header
ErickOptimize category pages
WesleyImplement a caching policy
IsaacClean up the database
FelipeTrash spam comments

Manuel Campos, English Professor

José Manuel

I am José Manuel and I am an English Teacher in Costa Rica who loves English. I have been teaching English for more than 8 years and I like sharing what I know with others