Lesson: How to Negotiate in English

During this lesson, you will learn and practice how to have a basic negotiation in English

We will focus on:

#2Estimated Time of Completion
Let’s get started

Task #1: Hangman


Say a letter of the alphabet and if possible figure out what the word or words are.

Task #2: Phrases and Expressions


Read the expression and categorize them into expressions to agree, disagree or negotiate

Check the words and classify them into:

#1Expressions to Agree
#2Expressions to Disagree
#3Expression to Negotiate

Task #3 : Scramble Words


Pair up, unscramble the words and determine if the phrase is to negotiate price and time of completion

Task #4


Check the website and think about what you would do to improve it

Recently Tech Genius got an email asking for a quote for a website redesign

  1. Check the website: http://iteslj.org/questions/
  2. Check some of the inner pages
  3. Can you identify the stack used to create it?
  4. What do you think about the site?
  5. What changes would you make to it?
  6. How much time would such work take you?
  7. How much do you think the project costs?

Main Task: Website Redesign


Read the conversation and finish the dialogue and negotiate the price of the redesign.

Web DesignerHi, Tech Genius, Joshua Speaking
ClientHi Joshua, this is Mike
Web DesignerHow can I help you today?
ClientI would like to redesign my website
Web DesignerCan I have your website URL?
ClientYes, it is http://iteslj.org/questions/
Web Designer
Web Designer
Web Designer

Task#5: Pronunciation


Read the phrases aloud to your teacher

Manuel Campos, English Professor

José Manuel

I am José Manuel and I am an English Teacher in Costa Rica who loves English. I have been teaching English for more than 8 years and I like sharing what I know with others